All lawns need renovating from time to time. Compaction and thatch build up prevents water and nutrients reaching the soil. Root growth is affected, and lawn becomes thin, weak, and susceptible to disease and fungal infections.

Dunsborough Turf Management are the lawn renovation specialists. The only turf contractors in the Capes region to have a complete range of renovation machinery.

We can successfully renovate any lawn, including Buffalo!


A scarifier is a verti-mower which digs into the soil to remove dead roots and thatch. This allows air and water to move easily through the top layer of turf into the soil and root zone below. We have three rear discharge scarifying machines with cutting widths of 120mm; 600mm and 1000mm. The largest of these has a three point linkage tractor mount which allows us to cover large areas. We recommend scarifying is carried out annually during Spring to ensure your lawn is in perfect health at the beginning of the hot summer months. The lawn will usually take three to five weeks to fully re-cover and green up again.

Lawn renovation with scarifier


We have two verti-mowers with grass clipping collection which can pass over a lawn relatively quickly with little disturbance to the soil. This enables the thatch layer to be thinned, allowing water to pass quickly through to the root zone. Verti-mowing is a less invasive procedure which can be carried out a few times a year during the growing season. This keeps the lawn in top condition without the recovery period of a more severe scarifying.

Turf renovation with vertimower


Hollow tyne coring is a series of holes punched into the lawn surface. The tynes are driven into the ground to break up the soil which alleviates compaction and allows water and nutrients to penetrate deep into the root zone. The extracted cores can be rubbed back into the lawn, or removed and fresh soil rubbed in.

Solid tyning shatters and loosens compacted soil. It punctures through the thatch layer to allow air into the soil profile to promote water penetration and improve turf growth. Solid tyning can be done three or four times a year to improve soil and lawn health at a low cost and with minimal disturbance to the lawn.

Hollow tyne coring

Let's Discuss Your Garden

If you have a question or would like some further information, make an enquiry now and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.